The pain points in the field of fast charging are the disunity of fast charging standards and the incompatibility of various standards. So the usb-if Association, which has the advantage of physical port, has launched usb-pd to solve this problem.

Usb-pd2.0 supports fixed gear charging, and usb-pd3.0 supports PPS charging (low-voltage fast charging mode is also called direct charging mode). In this way, different fast charging standards on the market are unified in the category of usb-pd. As long as chargers and terminals conforming to usb-pd3.0 are compatible. Usb-pd3.0 can cover both high-voltage fast charging with Qualcomm as the standard and low-voltage direct charging with oppo as the representative.
Usb-pd3.0 supports PPS mode, which has two advantages compared with the current more common high-voltage fast charging mode: when charging with high power, the battery temperature will not rise significantly, and the charging is safer; Usb-pd uses special CC line to communicate through data packet. Compared with high-voltage fast charging, it is more reliable and flexible to determine the charging state by detecting the change of D + / D - level. The core problem of fast charging is the compatibility, reliability and stability of the protocol, and the usb-pd protocol just covers these points.
The type-C port supports both QC and usb-pd protocols. If the type-C port does not support the usb-pd protocol, the charging function will be greatly limited. If the type-C port does not support the usb-pd protocol, the CC communication can not be carried out, and the type-C will lose its soul. Therefore, the type-C port which does not support usb-pd protocol should not be used for PC, mobile host, dock, dongle, charger, mobile power supply and other devices, but only for simple peripherals such as USB flash disk.
The trend of fast charging has been clear, just waiting for the market to evolve in depth. Fast charging based on 'usbpd + type-C' will become the mainstream fast charging mode, and charging related industries will move in this direction. In the future, a large number of mobile phones, computers and peripherals will adopt usb-pd charging scheme.
Usb-pd is a highly interactive protocol, very flexible, and is a very advanced charging protocol in the current market. In view of time, cost, technology maturity and compatibility, usb-pd will become the main trend.
Chuanglian precision has been committed to the design, development and production of USB type C connector. It has been closely following the technical requirements of USB Association and the latest protocol, providing customers with various types of connectors that meet the requirements of the Association for the first time. At the same time, it has maintained close cooperation with various brand IC manufacturers, providing customers with different kinds of solution development, accumulating hundreds of connector solutions, Including extended application based on type C connector.
The following is the general type C connector of Chuanglian precision